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About Me

Hello and Welcome to my blog! My name is Ryan. I am a "thirty-something" (using this for a few more months while I still can!) wanna-be hipster, fashionista living in the Richmond, VA area. Things I ADORE: Fashion! of course, anything French, anything INDIE, music, shopping, my dogs, artsy stuff, and travel. I love putting my fashion knowledge to use by styling people! This blog is about sharing my personal style and styling tips for the EVERY DAY woman. That's right, for regular, everyday people like you and me! People of all ages, and all sizes.  Although high fashion certainly does quicken my pulse, I LIVE for  bargain fashion, and staying current with fashion trends without breaking the bank- that is, until I win the lottery; in that case, first stop: Paris!:) My fashion motto is that style should be available and affordable to ALL regardless of size, budget, or any other societal restrictions- we all have the right to GOOD STYLE! I believe that when we get dressed each day, we are presenting OUR STORY to the world. Clothes are so much more than just clothes! Fashion=wearable art. Your outfit is representation of your true selves to the outside world. So, why not present the BEST version of ourselves by finding a style that is truly aligned with WHO WE ARE. Join me! 

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